6 carbohydrates that Make Slim
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For years, foods containing carbohydrates into a frightening specter for women who desire a slim body. Rice, bread, pasta, potatoes are considered foods that contain carbohydrates and cause obesity. However, now you no longer need to worry about fat, if tempted to eat carbohydrates. According to the method of diet in the book The Lover's Diet Carb written by the editor of health and diet expert, Ellen Kunes, there is a sniper technique for carbohydrates can help you eat less and burn more calories. In this diet method, Ellen would recommend to eat spaghetti and potatoes. Although contrary to the rules of diet, research shows that not all carbs bad. In fact, some carbonated beverages contain a substance called resistant starch. This substance, when consumed in large quantities actually worked actively encourage weight loss. Resistant starch found in foods such as bananas, wheat, beans and potatoes. Called resistant starch because it is useful to help the process of metabolism in the body. Travel starch through the digestive system almost intact, producing fatty acids that stimulate the enzyme melting fat, especially in the abdominal area, encourages the liver to burn fat, maintain muscle mass triggering hormone metabolism and increase satiety. As quoted from page Daily Mail, U.S. study found that many ill effects of low-carbohydrate diets. On average, women who ate low- carb foods have a poorer memory than those who were still eating carbohydrates. Frances Largeman-Roth, who is also the author of The Lover's Diet Carb say, guarantees weight loss with this method is faster but can provide long-term effects. Ellen and Roth believes the Atkins diet, by eating low-carb method didikuti difficult, unnatural and ineffective in the long term. According to him, body and brain have evolved to eat starchy foods and can not be detained. "Avoiding carbohydrates is against evolution, it is resistance futile," says Largeman-Roth Kunes and Largeman-Roth has been designing and testing the diets that promise weight loss without rejection of these carbohydrates, by relying on the resistant starch. They cite over 200 studies at top universities around the world. Conclusion lot of research-resistant starch is an effective appetite suppressant and plant metabolism. Research at the University of Surrey found that the consumption of resistant starch in a meal causes people to consume 10 percent fewer calories the following day, because it was not too hungry. On average, women consume about 150 to 200 calories. Another study showed that the resistant starch increased fat- burning enzyme activity and reduce fat storage enzyme activity. This means, abdominal fat cells are less active to capture and store calories as fat. The results show, that adding resistant starch at breakfast enough to scrape the fat in the body. This allows you to burn nearly 25 percent more calories per day. Most of us naturally consume about 4.8 grams of resistant starch daily. However, the authors believe that increased intake of resistant starch to ten times, to 15 grams a day, enough to trigger weight loss faster. "If the diet was conducted over seven days, we guarantee weight can come down more quickly." Here are six carbohydrate foods that contain resistant starch, and can make the body more slender: 1. Banana Bananas are the richest source of resistant starch. They are also rich in fiber and contain appetite- suppressing amino acid tryptophan. Substance tersbut will be converted into a calming chemical serotonin to the brain to help you be more relaxed and improve your mood. 2. Nuts Nearly half the starch derived from nuts, which are also rich in fiber. A study in Canada found that people who eat nuts regularly, tend to decrease their weight and have a smaller waist. Then, the possibility of weight gain to be reduced as much as 23 percent. 3. Potato In addition to containing fiber and resistant starch, potato proteinase inhibitor is a natural source. Namely natural chemicals that enhance satiety hormones and suppress appetite. 4. Polenta This is a corn flour that is cooked naturally. Contains a high resistant starch, is also rich in fiber and contains protein. 5. Brown rice Brown rice is digested by the body more slowly than white rice. So make full longer. A study also found that blood sugar levels known to 24 percent lower in people who eat brown rice rather than those who ate white rice. 6. Barley This is the kind of wheat that is consumed many European citizens. Wheat is rich in resistant starch and contain fiber that can reduce appetite and help digestion.
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