Whether you are a very
sweet tooth? Well, you'd
better be careful. Does
that mean the foods we
eat must be free of sugar
at all? Or in other words,
whether food that
contains sugar is not
healthy? Media AsiaOne,
Friday (17/12) writes that
nutrition experts define
it as the use of sugar-
free sugar dosage that is
less than 0.5 grams per
100 grams. While the
phrase 'no added sugar'
describes a product that
does not contain any
sugar in the
manufacturing process.
There's no way a sugar-
free products can be
said, if the product is
high in fat and calories.
Also sugar-free does not
mean not having the
same caloric value
mistaken. Calories can
come from other sources
such as alcohols (sorbitol
and mannitol), proteins,
fats, and carbohydrates.
Before eating, we
recommend you check
the calorie content first.
Check the food label to
know the amount of
vitamins, minerals,
saturated fat, sugar and
other content. Here are
tips to keep your diet to
stay healthy and in
control: 1. Reduce intake
of refined sugar. 2. Use
less sugar in your drink.
3. Do not give children
foods that have high
sugar content. 4. Reduce
intake of sweet cake. 5.
If using sugar in your
cooking, replace with
suitable alternative