Just like carbohydrates,
proteins, vitamins and minerals, fats
also contribute substantially in the
performance of the body.
According to the journal Fats &
Cholesterol: Nutrition Source,
Harvard School of Public Health,
describes fats or lipids are the
nutrients, which serves as the main
source of energy for the body's
metabolic processes.
Fat also serves to dissolve the
vitamins A, D, E and K to be readily
absorbed through the intestinal wall,
thereby, help maintain a healthy
immune system, slows aging, and
prevent osteoporosis. Therefore,
vitamin D is capable of storing fat in
the body, so that it can bind calcium
Fat obtained from food, divided into
two, namely unsaturated fats
(unsaturated), and saturated fat
(saturated). Unsaturated fats are fats
that are friends with the blood and
heart. Get rid of this fat is
cholesterol-destructive and
undesirable from the blood vessels.
Unsaturated fats, are subdivided into
monounsaturated /
monounsaturated, which can be
obtained from olive oil, nuts
(walnuts and almonds), and
avocado. Meanwhile,
polyunsaturated fats /
polyunsaturated fats, including
omega 3 and omega 6 can be
obtained from fish oil, vegetable oil,
soy, salmon, and sesame oil.
While saturated fats, can be
regarded as the bad fats. These fats
can block arteries, which can lead to
hypertension, stroke, or heart
disease. However, because a lot of
saturated fats come from foods rich
in nutrients, such as seafood, eggs,
beef, and milk, are advised to keep
eating these foods. Only, the
amount of intake is restricted, so it
does not increase the risk of heart
Well, after knowing the types of
foods that can produce good fats
and bad fats, meaning you just set
the proper portion of fat intake per
day. The American Heart
Association recommends limits the
intake of unsaturated fat each
person, and it ranged 10-15% of
total daily calories. While the intake
of saturated fat, sebaikanya not
more than 10% of total daily
Facts About Fat
1. Myth: The age increases, the
harder it is to burn body fat
Fact: False. Hormonal changes with
age, generally can indeed lead to
changes in body shape (more fat at
the waist). However, if still active,
and do not overeat, you can still
burn fat, although it has reached the
age of menopause.
2. Myth: In a diet, you should
completely get rid of fat-containing
Fact: Not that easy. Most women
simply replacing fat with foods high
in sugar, which will actually make it
easier to feel hungry. Research
shows, the program is done by
eating a diet of fat within reasonable
limits, the result is more successful,
than the diets without fat.
3. Myth: Walking is the best exercise
to burn fat
Fact: Not necessarily. Walking is
good exercise for the heart.
However, for the body to burn fat,
so the weight can come down, you
should intersperse walking exercise
with weight training. This exercise,
in addition to toning muscles, can
also increase your metabolism,
leading to more calories burned.