IF your child is overweight? If so, be careful! Because the children who are overweight are vulnerable to disease and inadequate social skills. This is when you as parents help baby to lose weight. As soon as Legal quote from Sheknows. Talk to your Child Show the child that you are very fond of her. Body weight will not reduce the levels of your affection. However, you must remain honest with children about possible health
problems they experienced when he was too fat.
Limit time watching television Watching television for long hours is not very effective. Besides wasting time, children usually watch television while snacking. It certainly has the potential to increase the deposition of fat on his body.
For that, you must restrict the hours of watching television. For example, from three hours, just one hour. Or if you want to watch television for longer, have the children watch as he ran on a treadmill or pedal a
bicycle. Create a family sports day You must move all the family to exercise together. Each can do the activities he likes sports, like cycling, hiking, or just simply walk away. Reduce the supply of sweet foods
Check the refrigerator and pantry. Did a lot of stock ice cream, cake, candy, and chocolate? If yes, get rid! Replace food with a healthier earlier. For example, fruit-flavored drinks or fruit juices. Update your diet
You do not want children are overweight, as well as can fatten your pocket? Here it is how. Review your daily food menus suguhkan for children. From now on, the contents of a breakfast menu with more healthy. For example, fruit juice and a stack of bread wheat dioles peanut butter. For lunch and dinner, teach
children to reduce the portion of rice and increase the consumption of vegetables and fruit. Support the child reaches the goal Help your child make the goal to be achieved by more realistic. For example, girls wanting to lose weight 40 kg in 2 weeks, change it to 40 kg in 10 weeks. Later, the child's motivation to exercise for 30 minutes a day or only eat vegetables at dinner hour.