Healthy Diet For cyclists
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Indeed, the stamina of a cyclist is not only determined by heating a good and practicing regularly. Many things can determine the increase in stamina. One of them is on a diet. Then, whether the best diet in order to obtain a qualified cycling performance? Well, first we need to define the word diet. Diets are we talking about here is about the food you put into your body everyday. We're also not talking about limiting yourself to lose weight that will impact on fitness in most cases. There's nothing difficult about choosing the right foods to maximize your performance while cycling. Here are some simple guidelines for a healthy diet that apply to everyone. Just learn some basic principles, apply some common sense, and you will eat well and reap the benefits. Healthy dietary guidelines listed here can be followed by everyone, especially cyclists. They will benefit from improved performance while cycling, rapid recovery after exercise, and fitness levels are better balanced overall. A healthy diet emphasizes fruits and vegetables, grains, and low-fat dairy products including lean meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. Saturated fats and trans fats, cholesterol, sodium, and sugar should be minimized or avoided. Guidelines following a healthy diet is a diet around 2000 calories per day. As cyclists, we actually may need to 4000 calories, depending on training load. Calories should come from the following sources: 30% fruits and vegetables 30% bread, potatoes, rice and pasta 15% meat and fish 15% milk and other dairy products 10% fat and sugary foods Most of your diet should consist of fruits and vegetables. Most people, including athletes and cyclists do not eat fruit and vegetables in sufficient quantities. You must have a minimum intake of 2.5 cups of vegetables every day from various sources such as dark green vegetables, dried beans, and peas. 2 bowls of fruit are also needed every day. Try to eat whole fruit instead of juice that may contain added sugar. Grains, including bread, cereal, crackers, rice, and pasta. You should eat at least 6 ounces of grains per day, half of which come from grain sources such as wheat, brown rice, wheat, and corn. Meat and fish are the main source of protein is important for recovery. Fish contain omega-3 fatty acids are very useful and should be consumed at least twice a week. Meat and poultry are also good sources, but watch the fat contained therein. And do not forget to eat beans, peas, nuts, and seeds for additional proteins. Milk and other dairy products to produce a good dose of calcium needed for strong bones and healthy. Choose low-fat dairy sources such as fat-free milk or low-fat yogurt or cheese. Healthy dietary guidelines say to eat 3 cups of milk and milk products daily. 10% of your daily calories should come from fat. Try to get it from the source of monounsaturated fats such as fish, nuts, and vegetable oil. Limit saturated fat consumption of less than 10% of total calories and keep your cholesterol intake of less than 300mg per day. Sugar is a common form of carbohydrate and must come primarily from fruits, vegetables, and wheat. Notice the ingredients for many foods have added sugar and artificial sweeteners that contribute to the increase in calories with almost no nutrients.
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