Initially, this macrobiotic-style dining setting inspired by the
teachings of Japanese Zen. Sources of regulation comes from the theory
of balance between yin and yang that considers the effect of eating on
the physical, mental, and emotional every individual. Then, in the
modern era dining arrangement was developed again by Sakurazawa Nyoiti
or more in the know with Oshawa (1893-1966). Macrobiotic diet is In
Buddhist philosophy, yin and yang are opposing force that covers all
aspects of life. Yin is: cold, wet, slow, passive, salty and dark.
While that is, hot, dry, fast, aggressive, sweet and light. Now, to
get a healthy life, the yin and yang must be balanced. So, the
macrobiotic diet is a diet that is used for health as well as to
achieve harmony of body and soul. Terms and macrobiotic diet rules The
key to the macrobiotic diet is a healthy food, simple and natural. So
it was no wonder that this diet of fresh food without the process
priority to processing or preservation so as to prevent food allergies
or are sensitive to chemicals. The rules of this diet is to multiply
the fibrous foods, like whole grains, beans, legumes, fruits, grains,
vegetables, and certain fish. Red meat, poultry meat, and alcohol is
the food taboos. Drinks are allowed only water and tea. The following
meal arrangements;

1. The group considered food grains with the yin and the most
balanced. Among these are white rice, brown rice, corn, bulgur (a type
of whole wheat but with a more coarse grains). In the daily food
groups-grains padia This amount should be 50-60 percent of other
foods. Occasionally pasta and bread without yeast is still allowed to
2. Fresh vegetables should be consumed amount is 25-30 percent.
Vegetables element The highly recommended to be consumed each day.
Among them are cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, bok coy, radishes,
onions, and pumpkins. Meanwhile, celery, lettuce, mushrooms, peas, and
beans is eaten 2-3 times a week. Vegetables may be steamed or
pan-fried with a little corn or sesame oil.
3. Grains, beans and seaweed is food that element Yang. The amount
that may be consumed is 5-10 percent. Type of food is lentils and
tofu, and seaweed such as wakame, hijiki, konbu, nori (Japanese
traditional food), and gelatin (can be processed all kinds)
4. Fresh fish should be consumed once a week. While the fruits may be
consumed is a fruit that originated the local plant.
5. Drink only when thirsty, and just plain water. Meanwhile, soda,
coffee, flavored tea, alcohol, everything is prohibited. 6. Notice
also how to cook food. Because the goal is to macrobiotic living
harmony with nature, then the use of electricity or a microwave is not
recommended. This makes the food a lot to lose nutrients. It is
recommended to cook with wood or gas. 7. Foods that element of Yin and
Yang are too extreme to be avoided. Among them are eggs, milk, cheese,
and butter. Full of health hazards According to the American Cancer
Society, this diet is too low in protein, and calorie levels are not
sufficient to help cancer patients recover after undergoing surgery or
chemotherapy. Although able to lose weight, but this diet can not cure
any disease. So, should consult with your doctor if you are interested
in trying this diet.